OSM - On Spot Marketing
OSM stands for On Spot Marketing
Here you will find, what does OSM stand for in Marketing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate On Spot Marketing? On Spot Marketing can be abbreviated as OSM What does OSM stand for? OSM stands for On Spot Marketing. What does On Spot Marketing mean?The Marketing company falls under marketing and advertising category and is located in Lisbon, Lisbon.
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Alternative definitions of OSM
- Office of Surface Mining
- Office of Surface Mining
- Open Source Media
- Optical Services Module
- Optivity Switch Manager
- On Screen Menu
- Operation Status Monitoring
- Object-Oriented Systems Modeling
View 94 other definitions of OSM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- OBS Oulu Business School
- ORCS Old Republic Credit Services
- OSI Oncology Services International
- OCA Open College of the Arts
- OPS Ozark Public Schools
- OA The Oxford Academy
- OSC Open Source Community
- ODS Orbit Design Studio
- OH The Organic Housewife
- OAIC Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
- OEL Orbit Exports Ltd
- O1NS Option 1 Nutrition Solutions
- OML Obex Medical Limited
- OET Ocean Exploration Trust
- OLS Olympus Life Science
- OEC Ozarks Electric Cooperative
- OGHC Oshawa Generals Hockey Club
- OSC Osmosis Skin Care
- OSBA Oregon School Boards Association
- ORC Opinion Research Corporation